What day is it again? Life in Lockdown.

You know your life is almost at an all time low when you rely on Cebeebies to remind you what day it is…

Well hello you beautiful humans! It’s been a while since I paid any attention to this blog, so what better time to start than while in Lockdown! I hope that you are all staying safe and making the best of a bad situation by spending time with family.
This is kind of just a waff of thoughts and feeling and just something to get me back into the swing of things, I’ve no idea where this post is going or what the main point of it even is… So I apologise now if half of this doesn’t make any sense!
What an absolutely crazy time we are dealing with, I honestly never thought I would be alive to experience something like this! In all honesty, I still don’t think my brain has fully processed what the fuck is going on… You see some people going about their day as if nothing is wrong in the world. Then you see the others side, people panic buying bog roll and pasta like they’re preparing for a bloody apocalypse!

One thing I am glad about, Oaks has literally no bloody idea what is going on, I’m thankful this is happening now. I feel so much for those of you with older children who don’t quite understand, who can’t go to school and see/play with their friends. The only difference for him is that Daddy is home every day, which he is absolutely loving and no nursery once a week. Oakley is living his best life.

Isolation and Mental Health

I’ve always been open about my mental health on my blog and Insta, during this testing time it’s been very up and down, good days and bad, which I’m sure many of us are experiencing with very little in the way of an outlet. Not being able to see family or friends really plays havoc with your mind and sometimes makes things seem harder. Thankfully I have Oaks keeping me on my toes and super busy, there is certainly never a dull moment when you have a toddler around you 24/7, that’s for sure. I’m also lucky that I have Nathan around to help on those super low days when I just can’t face the world and just need that little extra bit of time in bed or in the shower to get my shit together. To be honest, I’m not really sure what I would be doing without either of them, I mean I see all these people without little humans and I think “What the hell do you spend your days doing?” Sure, Sleeping all day would be an absolute dream… For he first couple days at least, but on day 7171113572762 I would be pulling my hair out in pure boredom. Kids make things fun and a hell of a lot more interesting.

We’ve been making the most of being able to get out for a walk each day, We walk around our local park and if its not too busy then Oaks gets a run around on the playing field. Some of you may be thinking “Why don’t you let him run around anyway?” HA! My child is people mad and Dog obsessed… He will dart, like a bat out of hell to the nearest Human, Dog or ball… So he’s kept in his buggy, with snacks and juice (water, I mean water).
It makes me so anxious, even the idea of going out with Oaks in public during all of this. The busiest place he’s been during this entire lockdown is a trip to A&E… And that pushed my anxiety through the roof to the point I almost had a melt down sat waiting to see a DR.

It’s such a catch 22, do we stay home and slowly end up going insane or do we go out in public so that we aren’t sitting around at home waiting for cabin fever to set in. I encourage anyone who thinks they need to stay in staring at the same 4 walls each day… GET OUT. WALK. RUN. RIDE. Don’t just hide inside slowly losing your mind because your toddler, husband dog, whatever are driving you mental. That one bit of daily exercise will help more than you think it will. Even just a walk around the block to get yourself some fresh air and clear away those cobwebs. DO IT. If not for daily exercise, but for your sanity. As long as you stay safe, keep your distance from others and are aware of what they’re doing around you.

Physical exercise is such an important part of dealing with Mental Health, before we moved I would go to the gym. What I would give right now to be there, headphones on and adrenaline pumping. It was my time to be me again, instead of just being Oakleys mum or Nathans Girlfriend. It was just a great way for me to help deal with my anxiety and get me out of my depression. Since we moved I haven’t re joined, but I’m working myself up towards going running, so lets see how that pans out… I do not do running, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a little while now, I’ve got some new running shoes on the way thanks to Nath, now just need to dig out the old gym gear… Maybe.

Nike Flex Experience Run9

So definitely keep an eye on my Instagram for updates on my running journey if you fancy a laugh. I feel like if I write and post about it I really have to do it, or I look like a right knob. So this is my commitment to myself! Eek, what have I done…

If you have read this far then thank you, like I said right at the start, I’m not entirely sure where this post is going or what the main point of it is, it’s more so to get me back into writing and into the swing of things!

Please feel free to get in touch with any questions, tips and suggestions for future post!

Stay safe

Hannah xox

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