Just a little update

Good evening my lovelies, as you have probably seen we have had a little makeover! As much as I loved my previous logo and colour scheme, I don’t think it fit all that well with what I was posting anymore, so maybe it’s more of a glow up than a makeover? Who knows.
Anyhow! I thought I would do a little update post for you all, not that much has been happening because well, Coronavirus an’ all… So it’ll be a short one for a change!

Fun in the sun.

Our trees attract so many bumble bees!

We have spent a lot of our time making the most of the sun! We moved into our current house almost a year ago from our little first floor flat in Newhaven. We had no garden, not even a shared, communal space. Thankfully we moved just as Oak started to find his feet so it wasn’t too much of an issue. I am so thankful for our garden now, not just for us, but for Oak too. He absolutely loves being able to get outside and play! He’s definitely a typical boy, although he’s not so keen on getting his hands all mucky! Nathan has worked so hard and spent most of lockdown sorting and making our outside space safe and suitable for Oak to play in.

Paddling pool fun

We’ve pulled trees out and we’re currently in the process of trying to get new grass put down… Which when you’re renting is harder than it sounds! Anyone would think that we are wanting to shove a tonne of concrete on the place and be done with it. Oh the joys of renting. We’ve added some flowers and some little trees that will hopefully fill out the spaces as they grow in the flower bed boarders that are around the lawn.

Oaks new favourite thing, to “help” water the flowers.

Also, the trees that were already in the garden when we moved in have blossomed and they look absolutely beautiful! I hated them only 2 weeks ago and now they look all pretty and flower-ey. They bring so many bugs and beasties to the garden, which I’m sure Oak with absolutely love when he gets that bit older. It’s so nice sitting out in the garden and only hearing the buzzing of the 100000’s of bees in the trees. So glad we kept them now!

No nursery for Oak.

So, as June 1st arrived I’m sure there were a lot of nervous and anxious parents who were in the predicament about whether or not it’s a good idea to send their little humans back into education. We decided right from the beginning we would not be sending Oak back into nursery. As much as he loved it, we did not feel it was fair on him and also on the nursery. They are under immense pressures and we didn’t feel it was right for us to send him when we don’t need him to be there. He only attends one morning a week anyway, so it wasn’t a huge disruption to him when they closed luckily. The girls at Oaks nursery are angels and I know they’re coping with things like absolute stars! I actually used to work there, waaaaaay back before Oak was born and before I even met Nath, he was the reason I actually left… It feels so nice knowing that I know the people taking care of my baby! It certainly helps with anxiety that’s for sure!
Hopefully it won’t be too long until things are a little more normal and he can go back!
I would love to hear some feedback on what you guys think about sending your littles back to school/nursery!

Disney Planning.

Walt Disney World, Florida Nov’ 2016

As a lot of you will be aware I am a HUGE Disney fan. Me and Nathan have done both Disney Land Paris and Walt Disney World, Florida.
We are currently getting some plans together to take Oak to DLP next spring and have trip planned for 2022 to WDW Florida! I absolutely cannot wait for either. We have decided that we will be going on the Euro Star to Paris as when me and Nath went, we flew… As short as the flight was, I’m not sure Oak would deal well with the air port and all of the waiting around. We may just be other thinking, but hey! Obviously when we go to Florida, Oak will be 4 and more understanding of what is going on and that he can’t mess around… Thankfully we’re going with my parents, so we won’t be alone and have 2 extra pairs of hands for when we need it… (babysitters for when me and Nath go on rides)

I would love to hear from you guys who have taken your little ones to either or both parks. How did you find it with a toddler? What where they like on the plane/Eurostar?

Just Checkin’ in.

Just to finish off, I hope that everyone is coping ok, I know a lot of people are feeling super anxious about the restrictions being lifted and what not, but don’t fear. Things will be ok in the end, remember this is only temporary and not forever. Do not hesitate to reach out if you find yourself struggling in any way shape or form! There are lots of support systems out there to help and give amazing support and advice! I will chuck some helpful links below. Also, my inbox on any of my social media is alway open!

Stay safe, take care!

Hannah xox


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